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Seat Kit - ABS molded seat with backrest - Seaward Kayaks
Seat Kit - ABS Molded Seat and Backrest
Kit Components
Starboard Side, Installed ABS Seat
Port Side, Installed ABS Seat
Image shows how the nuts and bolts are connected to the coaming
Behind the backrest
IMPORTANT: Be sure to measure INSIDE the coaming for an accurate measurement.
  • SKU: A8-607

Seat Kit - ABS Molded Seat and Backrest

$336.00 CAD

Molded bottom and backrest with cushions. Once installed, both the back rest and the seat are adjustable for superior comfort. Installation Required. 

Available in Regular (16") and XLC (18") cockpits. For measurement information, please see images. NOTE: If you have a plastic thermoform boat, see notes below**

***PLEAS NOTE: this seat will not fit any of our single kayaks that have the sloped bulkhead behind the seat***

What does ABS stand for? 

A widely used plastic called Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, it's characterized by its shiny waterproof surface. Tough like rubber, its hardwearing and resilient nature makes it ideal for high-impact, fast-paced environments where it could be susceptible to bumps and scrapes. Durable and robust, it’s used in a vast array of products from kitchen appliances to a multitude of children’s toys, including the famous Lego brick. With its recognizable high-gloss sheen, it comes in a wide range of funky colors and boasts an ultra-modern look.

**Do you have a Seaward Thermoform? 

If you are looking to outfit a plastic Seaward boat with our ABS Seat, we will require a follow-up email including the Model, photos of the cockpit with the existing seat, as well as a measurement of the width of the cockpit.